Potential offtaker

EV Logistik GmbH

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


EV Logistik GmbH is a German logistics company that specializes in the transportation of goods using electric vehicles. The company was founded in 2015 and has since become a leader in the decarbonisation of the logistics industry. EV Logistik GmbH is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices in the transportation sector.

One of the key ways that EV Logistik GmbH is working towards decarbonisation is by using electric vehicles for its transportation needs. The company has a fleet of electric trucks and vans that are powered by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. By using electric vehicles, EV Logistik GmbH is able to significantly reduce its carbon emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change.

In addition to using electric vehicles, EV Logistik GmbH is also focused on corporate energy management. The company has implemented a variety of energy-saving measures in its operations, such as using energy-efficient lighting and heating systems. EV Logistik GmbH also works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they are using sustainable practices and reducing their carbon footprint.

Another important aspect of EV Logistik GmbH's sustainability strategy is corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). These agreements allow the company to purchase renewable energy directly from energy producers, such as wind farms and solar power plants. By using PPAs, EV Logistik GmbH is able to ensure that the energy it uses is renewable and contributes to the decarbonisation of the energy sector.

Renewable energy is a key focus for EV Logistik GmbH, and the company is committed to using as much renewable energy as possible in its operations. In addition to using renewable energy to power its electric vehicles, EV Logistik GmbH also invests in renewable energy projects such as wind and solar farms. By investing in renewable energy, the company is able to support the growth of the renewable energy sector and contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy.

EV Logistik GmbH is also committed to promoting sustainable practices in the logistics industry more broadly. The company is a member of various industry associations and initiatives that promote sustainability and decarbonisation. EV Logistik GmbH also works closely with its customers to help them reduce their carbon footprint and implement sustainable practices in their supply chains.

Overall, EV Logistik GmbH is a leader in the decarbonisation of the logistics industry. The company's focus on electric vehicles, corporate energy management, corporate PPAs, and renewable energy demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and its role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. EV Logistik GmbH's efforts are an important contribution to the fight against climate change and the promotion of sustainable practices in the logistics sector.