Potential offtaker

Eurofins Scientific SE


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Eurofins Scientific is a leading global provider of laboratory testing services, with a strong presence in Luxembourg. The company operates in the testing laboratories sector, providing a wide range of analytical services to clients across various industries. Eurofins Scientific has a strong focus on sustainability and has made significant efforts towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Corporate Energy and Decarbonisation

Eurofins Scientific has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and become a more sustainable company. The company has implemented a range of initiatives to achieve these goals, including the adoption of renewable energy sources and the implementation of energy-efficient technologies.

One of the key initiatives that Eurofins Scientific has undertaken is the development of a corporate energy strategy. This strategy outlines the company's approach to energy management and sets out a roadmap for reducing its energy consumption and carbon emissions. The strategy includes a range of measures, such as the installation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, the implementation of energy-saving measures in laboratories, and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Eurofins Scientific has also implemented a range of measures to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has set targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2025, and has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal. These measures include the adoption of electric vehicles, the use of energy-efficient technologies, and the implementation of waste reduction and recycling programs.

Corporate PPA and Renewable Energy

Another key initiative that Eurofins Scientific has undertaken is the adoption of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energy. PPAs are long-term contracts that allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from renewable energy producers. This approach provides companies with a stable and predictable source of renewable energy, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector.

Eurofins Scientific has signed several PPAs for renewable energy, including agreements for wind and solar power. These agreements have allowed the company to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and support the growth of the renewable energy sector. Eurofins Scientific has also invested in renewable energy projects, including the development of solar and wind farms.

In addition to its adoption of corporate PPAs, Eurofins Scientific has also implemented a range of measures to promote renewable energy use within its operations. The company has installed solar panels on the roofs of its laboratories, and has implemented energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems. These measures have helped to reduce the company's energy consumption and carbon emissions, while also promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources.


Eurofins Scientific is a leading provider of laboratory testing services, with a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote the adoption of renewable energy sources. These initiatives include the development of a corporate energy strategy, the adoption of corporate PPAs for renewable energy, and the implementation of energy-efficient technologies. Eurofins Scientific's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation has helped to position the company as a leader in the laboratory testing sector, and has contributed to the growth of the renewable energy sector.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment