Potential offtaker

Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC is a Sri Lankan tea company that operates in the tea sector. The company was founded in 1988 by Merrill J. Fernando, who had a vision of creating a brand of tea that was truly authentic and ethical. Today, Dilmah is one of the most well-known tea brands in the world, with a presence in over 100 countries.

The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Dilmah has implemented a number of measures to reduce its energy consumption and emissions, including the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power. The company has also implemented a corporate energy policy that aims to reduce its energy consumption by 20% by 2025.

One of the key initiatives that Dilmah has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint is the implementation of a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) for renewable energy. The company has signed a PPA with a local renewable energy provider to supply a portion of its energy needs from renewable sources. This has not only helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint, but has also helped to support the development of the renewable energy sector in Sri Lanka.

In addition to its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, Dilmah has also implemented a number of measures to improve its overall sustainability. The company has a strong commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing of its tea, and has implemented a number of initiatives to support local communities and protect the environment. For example, Dilmah has established a foundation that supports education and community development projects in Sri Lanka, and has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce waste and promote recycling.

Dilmah's commitment to sustainability is not only evident in its operations, but is also reflected in its products. The company's range of tea products are all ethically sourced and produced, and are certified by a number of independent organizations, including Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance. Dilmah's commitment to sustainability has helped to establish it as a leader in the tea industry, and has earned it a reputation as a responsible and ethical company.

In conclusion, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC is a Sri Lankan tea company that operates in the tea sector. The company has a strong commitment to sustainability, and has implemented a number of measures to reduce its carbon footprint and improve its overall sustainability. Dilmah's commitment to sustainability is evident in its operations, its products, and its support for local communities and the environment. The company's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy and corporate PPAs are particularly noteworthy, and demonstrate its leadership in the tea industry.