Potential offtaker

Coca-Cola HBC AG


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Coca-Cola HBC AG is a Switzerland-based company that operates in the Non-Alcoholic Beverages sector. The company is a leading bottler of The Coca-Cola Company's products in 28 countries, including Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Nigeria. Coca-Cola HBC AG was established in 2000 and has its headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.

The company's mission is to refresh its customers with its wide range of non-alcoholic beverages, while also contributing to the communities it serves. Coca-Cola HBC AG is committed to sustainability and has set ambitious targets to reduce its environmental impact. The company has a strong focus on decarbonisation and is working towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2040.

One of the ways Coca-Cola HBC AG is reducing its carbon footprint is through its corporate energy strategy. The company is investing in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Coca-Cola HBC AG has set a target to source 40% of its energy from renewable sources by 2023. The company has already made significant progress towards this goal, with 28% of its energy coming from renewable sources in 2020.

Coca-Cola HBC AG is also implementing corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to support the development of new renewable energy projects. PPAs are long-term contracts between a company and a renewable energy developer, where the company agrees to purchase the energy generated by the project at a fixed price. Coca-Cola HBC AG has signed several PPAs with renewable energy developers in recent years, including a 20-year agreement with a wind farm in Bulgaria and a 10-year agreement with a solar plant in Greece.

In addition to its renewable energy initiatives, Coca-Cola HBC AG is also focused on reducing its energy consumption through energy efficiency measures. The company has implemented a range of energy-saving initiatives across its operations, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, the optimization of production processes, and the use of energy management systems.

Coca-Cola HBC AG's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its energy initiatives. The company is also focused on reducing its water consumption, improving its packaging sustainability, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. Coca-Cola HBC AG has set a target to reduce its water use ratio by 30% by 2025 and has already achieved a 27% reduction since 2010. The company is also working to ensure that 100% of its packaging is recyclable by 2025 and has implemented a range of initiatives to support sustainable agriculture practices, such as the use of drip irrigation systems and the promotion of sustainable farming techniques.

Overall, Coca-Cola HBC AG is a leading player in the non-alcoholic beverages sector, with a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation. The company's commitment to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices is helping to reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. As Coca-Cola HBC AG continues to expand its operations and reach new markets, its sustainability initiatives will remain a key focus, ensuring that the company remains a leader in its sector and a responsible corporate citizen.