Potential offtaker

Citizen Watch Co Ltd


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Citizen Watch Co Ltd is a Japanese company that specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of watches. The company was founded in 1918 and has since then grown to become one of the leading watch brands in the world. Citizen Watch Co Ltd has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, and has operations in over 100 countries.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd is committed to sustainability and decarbonization. The company recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has set a target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, Citizen Watch Co Ltd has implemented various initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint.

One of the initiatives that Citizen Watch Co Ltd has implemented is the use of renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels in its factories and offices to generate electricity from renewable sources. This has helped the company reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and has contributed to the reduction of its carbon emissions.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. The company has signed a PPA with a wind farm in Japan to source renewable energy to power its operations. This has enabled the company to reduce its carbon emissions significantly and has helped it achieve its decarbonization goals.

In addition to sourcing renewable energy, Citizen Watch Co Ltd has also implemented energy efficiency measures to reduce its energy consumption. The company has installed energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems in its factories and offices to reduce its energy consumption. This has not only helped the company reduce its carbon emissions but has also resulted in cost savings.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd has also implemented a corporate energy management system to monitor and manage its energy consumption. The system enables the company to identify areas where it can reduce its energy consumption and implement measures to achieve energy savings.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd is committed to sustainability and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions. The company recognizes the importance of decarbonization and has implemented various initiatives to achieve its goals. By sourcing renewable energy, implementing energy efficiency measures, and implementing a corporate energy management system, Citizen Watch Co Ltd has made significant progress towards achieving its decarbonization goals.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd is also committed to promoting sustainability throughout its supply chain. The company works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they adhere to its sustainability standards. This includes ensuring that suppliers comply with environmental regulations and that they implement measures to reduce their carbon emissions.

Citizen Watch Co Ltd is also committed to promoting sustainability in the communities where it operates. The company has implemented various initiatives to support local communities, including providing education and training programs to promote sustainable practices.

In conclusion, Citizen Watch Co Ltd is a Japanese company that is committed to sustainability and decarbonization. The company recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. By sourcing renewable energy, implementing energy efficiency measures, and implementing a corporate energy management system, Citizen Watch Co Ltd has made significant progress towards achieving its decarbonization goals. The company is also committed to promoting sustainability throughout its supply chain and in the communities where it operates. Citizen Watch Co Ltd is a leader in the watch sector and is setting an example for other companies to follow in promoting sustainability and decarbonization.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment