Potential offtaker

Central Regional School District

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The Central Regional School District is a public school district located in the state of New Jersey, United States of America. The district serves the communities of Berkeley Township, Island Heights, Ocean Gate, Seaside Heights, and Seaside Park. It is a comprehensive K-12 school district that provides education to over 3,000 students across six schools. The district is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students while also being environmentally conscious and sustainable.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for the Central Regional School District. The district recognizes the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint. To achieve this, the district has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption and promoting renewable energy. The district has also partnered with local organizations to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship.

One of the initiatives that the Central Regional School District has implemented is the use of renewable energy. The district has installed solar panels on the roofs of several of its schools, which generate clean energy and reduce the district's reliance on fossil fuels. The solar panels have also helped the district save money on energy costs, which can be used to fund other educational programs.

Another initiative that the Central Regional School District has implemented is the use of corporate energy. The district has partnered with energy companies to purchase energy from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. This has helped the district reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

The Central Regional School District has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to promote renewable energy. A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, where the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. The Central Regional School District has entered into a PPA with a local energy provider to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price, which has helped the district reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

In addition to promoting renewable energy, the Central Regional School District has also implemented several energy efficiency initiatives. The district has installed energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems in its schools, which has helped reduce energy consumption and save money on energy costs. The district has also implemented a program to encourage students and staff to conserve energy, such as turning off lights when leaving a room and unplugging electronics when not in use.

The Central Regional School District's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship has not gone unnoticed. The district has received several awards and recognitions for its efforts, including the New Jersey Sustainable Schools Recognition Program and the Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification. These awards recognize the district's commitment to sustainability and its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

In conclusion, the Central Regional School District is a public school district located in New Jersey, United States of America, that is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students while also being environmentally conscious and sustainable. The district has implemented several initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption and promoting renewable energy, such as the use of solar panels, corporate energy, and corporate PPA. The district has also implemented energy efficiency initiatives and a program to encourage students and staff to conserve energy. The district's commitment to sustainability has been recognized through several awards and recognitions, which demonstrate its dedication to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting environmental stewardship.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's