Potential offtaker

Autostrade per l’Italia


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Autostrade per l’Italia is a leading company in the highway, bridge, and tunnel operators sector in Italy. It is responsible for the management, maintenance, and development of the Italian motorway network, which spans over 3,000 kilometers and connects the major cities and regions of the country. The company is committed to providing safe, efficient, and sustainable transport infrastructure to its customers and stakeholders.

One of the key priorities of Autostrade per l’Italia is decarbonisation, which is the process of reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The company recognizes the urgent need to transition towards a low-carbon economy and is taking proactive steps to achieve this goal. It has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and improve its energy efficiency, in line with the Paris Agreement and the European Union's climate and energy targets.

To achieve its decarbonisation goals, Autostrade per l’Italia is investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency measures. It has installed solar panels and wind turbines at its facilities, which generate clean energy and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The company is also implementing energy-saving technologies, such as LED lighting, smart meters, and efficient HVAC systems, to reduce its energy consumption and costs.

In addition, Autostrade per l’Italia is exploring corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), which are long-term contracts between a company and a renewable energy generator. PPAs enable companies to buy renewable energy directly from the source, at a fixed price, and for a specified period. This provides a stable and predictable source of renewable energy, which can help companies to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs, while supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector.

Autostrade per l’Italia is also committed to corporate energy management, which is the process of optimizing energy use and costs across an organization. The company has implemented an energy management system, which enables it to monitor, measure, and analyze its energy consumption and performance. This helps the company to identify energy-saving opportunities, prioritize investments, and track progress towards its decarbonisation goals.

Moreover, Autostrade per l’Italia is collaborating with other stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, and industry associations, to promote sustainable transport and decarbonisation. The company is a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, which is a global network of companies that are committed to sustainable development. It is also a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, which is a voluntary initiative that encourages companies to align their strategies and operations with ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

In conclusion, Autostrade per l’Italia is a leading company in the highway, bridge, and tunnel operators sector in Italy, which is committed to decarbonisation and sustainable transport. The company is investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, exploring corporate PPAs, implementing corporate energy management, and collaborating with other stakeholders to promote sustainable development. These initiatives demonstrate the company's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, improving its energy efficiency, and contributing to a low-carbon economy.