Potential offtaker


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Apotea is a Swedish company that operates in the Pharmacies & Drug Stores sector. The company was founded in 2011 by Pär Svärdson and is headquartered in Morgongåva, Sweden. Apotea is one of the largest online pharmacies in Sweden and offers a wide range of products, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, health and beauty products, and medical equipment.

Apotea is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal. The company has set a target to become carbon neutral by 2025 and has already taken significant steps towards decarbonisation. Apotea has invested in renewable energy sources such as solar power and has also implemented energy-efficient lighting and heating systems in its facilities. The company has also introduced a recycling program to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

Apotea has also implemented a corporate energy strategy to reduce its energy consumption and costs. The company has conducted energy audits to identify areas where energy can be saved and has implemented measures such as energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems. Apotea has also introduced a policy to encourage employees to switch off lights and appliances when not in use.

In addition to its energy-saving initiatives, Apotea has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to support the development of renewable energy sources. The company has signed a long-term agreement to purchase renewable energy from a wind farm in Sweden. This PPA not only supports the development of renewable energy but also ensures a stable and predictable energy supply for Apotea.

Apotea's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its own operations. The company has also introduced a range of sustainable products to its online store, including eco-friendly cleaning products, reusable water bottles, and biodegradable packaging. By offering sustainable products, Apotea is encouraging its customers to make more environmentally friendly choices.

Apotea's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability have not gone unnoticed. The company has received several awards and recognition for its sustainability initiatives, including the Sustainable Brand Index, which ranked Apotea as the most sustainable online pharmacy in Sweden in 2021.

In conclusion, Apotea is a Swedish company that operates in the Pharmacies & Drug Stores sector. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal. Apotea has invested in renewable energy sources, implemented energy-efficient systems, introduced a recycling program, and signed a corporate PPA to support the development of renewable energy. The company has also introduced sustainable products to its online store, encouraging its customers to make more environmentally friendly choices. Apotea's commitment to sustainability has earned it several awards and recognition, making it a leader in sustainable business practices in Sweden.