Potential offtaker

National Geographic Society


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The National Geographic Society is a non-profit organization that has been dedicated to exploring and protecting our planet for over 130 years. Founded in 1888, the Society has grown to become one of the world's largest non-profit scientific and educational organizations, with a mission to inspire people to care about the planet.

The Society is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and operates in the Periodical Publishers sector, with its flagship publication, National Geographic Magazine, being one of the most widely read and respected magazines in the world. The Society also produces a range of other publications, including books, maps, and digital content, as well as running educational programs and supporting scientific research.

In recent years, the National Geographic Society has become increasingly focused on decarbonisation and renewable energy, recognizing the urgent need to address the climate crisis. The Society has made a commitment to reduce its own carbon footprint and to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

One of the key ways in which the National Geographic Society is working towards decarbonisation is through its corporate energy strategy. The Society has set ambitious targets to reduce its energy use and to increase the proportion of renewable energy in its operations. This includes investing in energy efficiency measures, such as LED lighting and HVAC upgrades, and sourcing renewable energy from on-site solar installations and off-site renewable energy projects.

The Society has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA), which allows it to purchase renewable energy directly from a wind farm in Oklahoma. This PPA provides the Society with a stable, long-term source of renewable energy, while also supporting the development of new renewable energy projects.

In addition to these measures, the National Geographic Society is also working to raise awareness of the importance of renewable energy and decarbonisation through its publications and educational programs. The Society has produced a range of content on renewable energy and climate change, including articles, videos, and podcasts, to help educate and inspire its readers and viewers.

The Society has also partnered with other organizations to advance the transition to a low-carbon economy. For example, it has worked with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to support the development of renewable energy projects in the United States and around the world. The Society has also partnered with the World Wildlife Fund to promote sustainable forestry practices and to protect forests as a key tool in the fight against climate change.

Overall, the National Geographic Society is a leader in the field of decarbonisation and renewable energy, both in its own operations and in its efforts to raise awareness and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Through its publications, educational programs, and partnerships, the Society is helping to inspire people to care about the planet and to take action to protect it for future generations.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's