Potential offtaker

Monumental Sports & Entertainment


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Monumental Sports & Entertainment is a sports and entertainment company based in the United States of America. The company operates in the Sports Teams sector and is primarily involved in the management and ownership of professional sports teams. Monumental Sports & Entertainment owns and operates several sports teams, including the Washington Wizards, Washington Capitals, and Washington Mystics. The company also manages the Capital One Arena, a multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue located in Washington, D.C.

In recent years, Monumental Sports & Entertainment has been actively pursuing decarbonisation and renewable energy initiatives. The company has recognised the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future. As a result, Monumental Sports & Entertainment has implemented several measures to reduce its environmental impact, including the adoption of corporate energy and corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Corporate energy is a term used to describe the energy management practices of businesses. It involves the implementation of energy-efficient technologies and the adoption of renewable energy sources to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Monumental Sports & Entertainment has embraced corporate energy practices by investing in energy-efficient lighting systems, HVAC systems, and other energy-saving technologies. The company has also installed solar panels on the roof of the Capital One Arena, which generate renewable energy and reduce the building's reliance on grid electricity.

Corporate PPAs are agreements between businesses and renewable energy providers, in which the business agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider. Monumental Sports & Entertainment has signed several corporate PPAs with renewable energy providers to ensure a steady supply of renewable energy for its operations. The company has also committed to purchasing renewable energy certificates (RECs) to offset its carbon emissions. RECs are certificates that represent the environmental benefits of renewable energy generation and can be purchased by businesses to offset their carbon footprint.

Monumental Sports & Entertainment's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy has not only contributed to a more sustainable future but has also resulted in significant cost savings. The company has reduced its energy consumption and carbon emissions, which has led to lower energy bills and reduced operating costs. Additionally, the company's investment in renewable energy has provided a stable source of energy and protected it from fluctuations in energy prices.

In addition to its environmental initiatives, Monumental Sports & Entertainment has also been involved in several social responsibility initiatives. The company has partnered with various non-profit organisations to support community development and youth education programs. The company has also launched several initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in sports and entertainment. Monumental Sports & Entertainment has been recognised for its social responsibility initiatives and has received several awards for its efforts.

Monumental Sports & Entertainment's commitment to decarbonisation, renewable energy, and social responsibility has set an example for other businesses in the sports and entertainment industry. The company has demonstrated that it is possible to operate a successful business while also contributing to a more sustainable future and supporting social responsibility initiatives. Monumental Sports & Entertainment's efforts have not only benefited the environment and the community but have also resulted in significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency. The company's initiatives serve as a model for other businesses looking to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's