Potential offtaker

Blessed Sacrament Parish

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Catholic church located in the United States of America. The church is committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. As part of its efforts towards decarbonisation, the church has implemented various initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and promote the use of renewable energy.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by Blessed Sacrament Parish is the adoption of a corporate energy strategy. The church has recognised the importance of managing its energy consumption and has set targets to reduce its energy usage over time. This has been achieved through the use of energy-efficient lighting and appliances, as well as the installation of solar panels on the roof of the church.

The church has also entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a local renewable energy provider. This agreement enables the church to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price over a long-term period. By doing so, the church is not only reducing its carbon footprint but also supporting the growth of the renewable energy industry in the local community.

In addition to its corporate energy strategy, Blessed Sacrament Parish has also implemented a range of other sustainable practices. The church has a recycling program in place, which encourages members of the congregation to recycle their waste. The church also promotes the use of public transport and carpooling to reduce the carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Blessed Sacrament Parish is committed to promoting renewable energy and has taken steps to incorporate it into its operations. The church has installed solar panels on the roof of the church, which generate electricity from the sun. This renewable energy source has helped to reduce the church's reliance on fossil fuels and has contributed to the decarbonisation of the local community.

The church has also explored the use of other renewable energy sources, such as wind and geothermal energy. While these sources of energy are not currently being used by the church, they are being considered as part of the church's long-term energy strategy.

Blessed Sacrament Parish is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. The church recognises the importance of taking action to address climate change and is actively working towards this goal. Through its corporate energy strategy, PPA, and renewable energy initiatives, the church is setting an example for other organisations to follow.

In conclusion, Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Catholic church located in the United States of America that is committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. The church has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and promote the use of renewable energy, including a corporate energy strategy, PPA, and the installation of solar panels. The church is setting an example for other organisations to follow and is contributing to the decarbonisation of the local community.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's